In 1984 Mike Poloway graduated from the Documentary Photography Course in Newport, South Wales led by legendary Magnum photographer David Hurn and has been supplying creative editorial images to a wide range of clients ever since.
Based in Salford Quays, Manchester, UK, Mike's clients include the following::
The Independent, The Times, The Times Educational Supplement, The Scotsman, The Nursing Times, Health Service Journal, The BBC, Channel 4 TV, Five TV, The Department of Transport, The Department of Work and Pensions, Farmers Weekly, Canal and River Trust, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, Asda, Lidl, Aldi, The Jerusalem Report, The Jewish Chronicle, Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, Lloyds Bank, Yours Magazine, New! Magazine, British Red Cross, Redwood Publishing, Mercedes Benz, McCann Erikson PR, BOC, Lawyer Magazine, Auto Express.